Enhance your brand reputation thanks to customer reviews

Engage with your customers, collect their valuable feedback, analyze it, and turn it into action through our Certified platform

Powering success for over 100,000 leading brands

Custplace empowers brands, agencies, and retailers to reach their customer satisfaction goals.

The ultimate customer review platform to boost your reputation and increase your sales

  • Spark engagement and collect your customers' feedback
  • Launch a customer satisfaction survey at the right moment.
  • Post reviews on both an independent NF-certified page and your Google Business Profile listing at the same time (strategic partnership).
  • Create action plans automatically
  • Enhance your brand's authenticity by leveraging brand reviews, store reviews, product reviews and employee reviews

Our features

Collect authentic and customized reviews

Engage and collect customer reviews in a seamless customer journey, integrated into your CRM and tailored for your brand: email invitation via API, on-site collection, dedicated poster, and an intelligent follow-up system.

Centralize and moderate public reviews

Gather all your customer reviews in one simple and intuitive interface. Manage, moderate, and reply to reviews, whether they're from Google, Facebook, Yellow Pages, TripAdvisor, or even reviews you've actively requested or those left spontaneously.

Share reviews and reach your future customers

Leverage this powerful tool to maximize the reach of your customer reviews on the Internet and in-store. Our smart tools and strategic partnerships help you connect with your various audiences.

Transform reviews into lifetime customers

See how your customers feel instantly. Our easy-to-use feedback system gives you clear and comprehensive reports, empowers you to effortlessly analyze customer input and define your action plans.

Our features

Concrete and measurable performances


+40%% Appointment requests

Drive to store

+30%% Store Traffic


+15%% Turnover

Customer satisfaction

+20% NPS point gain

User Experience

+80%% Conversion rate

When customer satisfaction turns into e-reputation! Being number 1 in the carpentry industry can’t be improvised. It is a product of our client’s satisfaction before all else. However, we had to advertise this satisfaction to strengthen our position, reassure our prospects, and promote the work of our employees. Custplace allows us to deliver on this promise easily and effectively.

The customer review platform is intuitive, the team is attentive to our needs, and the interface allows us to easily manage customer reviews for each point of sale. The solution is highly advanced and supports our drive-to-store strategy.

Custplace offered us an effective solution to collect customer reviews. All reviews are automatically shared across multiple platforms. It's highly efficient and a real time-saver.

Easy to use for operational staff, with user-friendly reporting and statistics, natural language understanding for automatic responses, and relevant analysis.

Cusplace technology convinced us that online reviews are gaining more relevance in our ever-evolving business. For us, the Custplace digital solution perfectly anticipates this evolution.

A trustworthy, certified platform

Custplace holds an NF certification for its Client Review Management Service and its Review Jobs platform for Employee Review Management. This guarantees a transparent review collection process, controlled by moderation and an unbiased review distribution system.

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Custplace est certifié NF Service - Gestion des avis

Custplace seamlessly integrates with your favorite marketing platforms

By partnering with powerful platforms like Google Business Profile, Yellow Pages, Salesforce, L'Etudiant, Facebook, and Tripadvisor, we help you achieve a holistic online presence. This allows you to increase your visibility across various channels, build trust with your target audience by taking control of your e-reputation, and ultimately solidify a positive brand image, leading to increased business growth.

Turn your customer reviews into lifelong clients

Collect customer feedback on all channels, launch timely satisfaction surveys, and automatically publish reviews on major platforms. Leverage AI-powered insights to continuously improve your customer experience, benefiting from brand, store, product, and even employee feedback.

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Custplace and Google Business Profile have joined forces in an exclusive partnership. This partnership allows companies to benefit from a complete and simplified solution for client review management and distribution. 

Before, companies had to manually collect their store’s Google reviews, and then share them on different platforms. This task was not only tedious and time-consuming but also required technical expertise. 

Thanks to this partnership, companies can collect their store’s Google reviews in a single request. The reviews are then automatically shared on multiple platforms, including: 

  • The company’s website

  • The Cusplace website

  • Yellow Pages

  • Mappy …


This partnership offers companies a several advantages, notably:

  • More visibility: customer reviews are a powerful way to boost your brand visibility. By sharing your reviews on multiple platforms, you increase your chances of getting seen by potential customers.

  • Better SEO: customer reviews are an important factor in local SEO. By sharing your reviews on popular platforms, you rank higher in Google search results.

  • Full understanding of customer satisfaction: customer reviews allow you to better understand your client’s expectations. This information can then be leveraged to improve customer experience.


Review moderation refers to the process of monitoring and controlling customer reviews to ensure compliance with the established rules and guidelines. This ensures the integrity and quality of posted reviews, avoiding inappropriate, defamatory, fraudulent, or non-compliant content. 

Here are some key aspects of review moderation: 

  • Legitimacy check: Reviews must be examined to ensure their authenticity and that they come from real customers. This may involve additional checks, such as matching the review to the transactional data, identifying manipulation attempts, or detecting fake reviews.

  • Compliance with rules: Review moderation aims to maintain compliance with established rules and policies. This may include prohibiting offensive content, vulgar language, defamatory statements, spam, hate speech, or any other violation of ethical norms. 

  • Balance and neutrality: It is important to ensure a balanced and impartial moderation process. This means the unbiased evaluation of reviews, regardless of their positive or negative nature, following the predefined criteria. 

  • Privacy: Moderation must also prioritize customer privacy. Sensitive personal information must not be shared publicly in reviews, and privacy policies must be respected.

  • Responsiveness: Review moderation must be done responsively and regularly. Reviews must be reviewed on time to ensure a smooth user experience and to show customers that their opinions are being taken into account. 

  • Transparent communication: Users must be informed of review moderation policies and the reasons why a review may be moderated or rejected. Transparent communication about moderation criteria helps reinforce the user's trust.


Review moderation plays an essential role in customer review management. It establishes integrity, delivers a reliable user experience, prevents abuse, and protects corporate reputation. Effective moderation helps create a trustworthy environment for consumers and encourages the client’s active participation by sharing reviews.


A customer review platform is an online platform that enables consumers to share their experiences, opinions, and ratings of specific products, services, or companies. These platforms provide a space where customers can leave reviews, rate products or services, and share their comments with other consumers.

Customer review platforms offer several features, such as the ability to leave detailed comments, give a global rating, upload photos, and recommend or advise against a product or service.

These platforms have become increasingly popular due to their ability to provide unbiased information and recommendations based on actual customer experience. Consumers can consult reviews and ratings to make well-informed decisions before making a purchase or using a particular service.

For businesses, customer review platforms represent an opportunity to get valuable feedback, measure customer satisfaction, manage their online reputation, and upgrade their offers based on customer feedback. These platforms can also foster trust and transparency between companies and consumers.


It is important to note that not all customer review platforms are identical in terms of features, moderation policies, and review reliability. It is essential for consumers to consider different opinions and to discern when using these platforms to make the right decision on a purchase or a service.


The use of a customer review management solution offers companies numerous advantages:

  • Collect valuable feedback: A feedback management solution allows customer review collection and distribution, in an organized and centralized system. This provides the company with valuable information on customer satisfaction, preferences, expectations, and areas for improvement. 

  • Improve customer satisfaction: By analyzing customer reviews, companies can identify the strengths and weaknesses of their products, services, or procedures. This allows them to take corrective measures and implement improvements that meet customer needs, thus improving overall satisfaction. 

  • Manage dissatisfaction proactively: A feedback management solution serves as the company’s compass to detect customer problems or dissatisfactions at an early stage. By identifying negative comments or recurring problems, companies can act quickly to resolve issues, avoid negative repercussions, and preserve their online reputation.

  • Strengthen your e-reputation: Positive customer reviews are a powerful social proof for a company. By encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on public platforms, future customers get insight into your product or service and are more inclined to make a purchase. 

  • Establish effective customer communication: Review management solutions enable companies to interact directly with customers by responding to their reviews. Customers are then reassured that their opinions are valued and that the company is committed to addressing their complaints. Open communication strengthens customer relationships and fosters long-term loyalty.

  • Inspire informed decision-making: By analyzing customer review data, companies can gain valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences, and unmet needs. This information can guide the company's strategic decisions, such as developing new products, optimizing procedures, and improving the customer experience.

  • Get ahead of the game: A company that takes the initiative to employ a customer feedback management solution showcases its dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction and maintaining transparency. This proactive approach not only results in attracting new customers but also retaining existing ones, ultimately driving the company ahead of the game.

  • Unlock the magic of social media: Tap into this digital goldmine to improve your e-reputation, generate leads and conversions, and gain visibility.

Here are some advantages to using customer reviews on social media:

  • Improving reputation: client reviews are such an important factor for a company’s online reputation. Positive reviews on social media can help reach prospects and potential clients, show them the company’s reliability, and showcase its quality products and services. 

  • Generating leads and conversions: Customer reviews can assist companies in generating leads and conversions. Positive reviews on social media can show potential clients that other customers are satisfied with a company’s products or services. This can prompt prospects to make a purchase or file their information. 

  • Gaining visibility: Social media is an excellent way to reach a large audience. Customer reviews on social media have the power to attract new clients. 


  • Optimize your Ad campaigns: Customer reviews can help optimize Google Ads campaigns in many ways:

    • Improve advertisement relevance: Client reviews can help enhance the relevance of advertisements by providing information about the quality of a company’s product or service. For example, a company that sells electronic devices can use customer reviews to showcase the features and benefits of its products.

    • Increase click through rate (CTR): Customer reviews can help increase the CTR by encouraging internet users to click on the Ad and visit the company’s website. 

    • Save on cost per click (CPC): Customer reviews can help reduce the CPC by attracting better-qualified internet users to the website. Positif reviews can prove to internet users that the company is reliable and offers quality products and services. This can prompt internet users to make a purchase or file their information. 


  • Improve natural SEO: Customer reviews can improve a website’s natural SEO in many ways:

    • Compelling content: Customer reviews are a rich and reliable type of content that can help improve a website’s rank on search results. Reviews generally contain pertinent keywords and terms that are looked up by internet users. They also provide useful information about a company’s products and services, which can help internet users make the best decision. 

    • Solid trust: Customer reviews can contribute to the increase of internet users’ trust in a company. Positive reviews show that other clients had a good experience with the company. This can encourage internet users to visit the company’s website and make a purchase.

    • High engagement: Customer reviews contribute to the growth of internet users' engagement on the website. Reviews are usually shared on social media, which can generate website traffic. Reviews can also serve to spark discussion and interactions between clients and the company.

To make the best of customer reviews for SEO, it is important to adopt an authentic and reliable collection process. Reviews must also be relevant and informative. Additionally, companies must reply to all reviews, positive and negative, without fail. 


In short, a customer review management solution enables companies to profit from customer feedback to improve their offer, solidify their reputation, and develop a solid relationship with their client base. This can have a significant impact on a company's growth, customer satisfaction, and longevity.



To choose the best review management platform for your business, here are a few key points to consider:

  • Features: Identify the essential features you need. Make sure the platform offers features such as review collection, moderation, data analysis, the ability to reply to reviews, etc. Make a list of your specific needs before selecting a platform.

  • Integration: Check whether the platform can be easily integrated with your existing systems, such as your website, CRM (Customer Relationship Management), or other management tools. Seamless integration will enable you to automate certain tasks and synchronize data efficiently.

  • Customization: Make sure the platform offers customization options to reflect your corporate identity. You should be able to customize review pages, add your logo, and choose colors and fonts to suit your brand.

  • Ease of use: Opt for a user-friendly, intuitive platform, both from the point of view of the customers who will be leaving reviews and from that of your company's internal users. A user-friendly interface will facilitate review management, user navigation, and data analysis.

  • Reliability and security: Check the security measures implemented by the platform to protect customer data and prevent fraudulent reviews. Look for security certifications such as HTTPS protocol and clear moderation policies to ensure review reliability.

  • Data analysis: A good review management platform should offer advanced analytics. It should allow you to track trends, extract useful information, and generate reports to help you make informed decisions.

  • Customer support: Check the level of customer support offered by the platform. Make sure there's a responsive support team available to answer your questions or resolve any problems.

  • Platform reputation: Research the platform's reputation before making your choice. Read reviews from other users, look at testimonials, or ask for recommendations from other companies to gauge overall user satisfaction.

  • Cost: Compare the different price plans offered by platforms and check whether they match your budget and specific needs. Don't hesitate to weigh the cost against the features and benefits offered by the platform.


By taking these key factors into account, you'll be able to choose a review management platform that meets your business needs and helps you make the most of your customers' feedback.


Collecting customer reviews is crucial for your business. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Authentic reviews grant client trust: Customer reviews provide authentic, unbiased testimonials about a company's products and services. Consumers often trust peer reviews more than the company's marketing claims.

  • Well-informed decision-making: Customer reviews help consumers make informed decisions about their purchases. By reading other people's experiences, they can get an idea about the quality and reliability of the product or service.

  • Precious feedback for the company: Customer reviews can help companies identify areas for improvement. Negative comments offer opportunities for learning and growth, enabling the company to make improvements to further satisfy their customers.

  • Credibility and trustworthiness: A company with many positive reviews strengthens its credibility with consumers and attracts new clients.

  • Commitment and loyalty: By responding to reviews, a company shows that it values its customers' opinions and cares about their satisfaction. This can strengthen ties with customers and create a sense of commitment to the brand

  • Transparency is the best policy: By allowing customers to post reviews, a company shows that it is transparent and open to feedback, which boosts customer trust.


Collecting customer reviews is crucial for your business. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Authentic reviews grant client trust: Customer reviews provide authentic, unbiased testimonials about a company's products and services. Consumers often trust peer reviews more than the company's marketing claims.

  • Well-informed decision-making: Customer reviews help consumers make informed decisions about their purchases. By reading other people's experiences, they can get an idea about the quality and reliability of the product or service.

  • Precious feedback for the company: Customer reviews can help companies identify areas for improvement. Negative comments offer opportunities for learning and growth, enabling the company to make improvements to further satisfy their customers.

  • Credibility and trustworthiness: A company with many positive reviews strengthens its credibility with consumers and attracts new clients.

  • Commitment and loyalty: By responding to reviews, a company shows that it values its customers' opinions and cares about their satisfaction. This can strengthen ties with customers and create a sense of commitment to the brand.

  • Transparency is the best policy: By allowing customers to post reviews, a company shows that it is transparent and open to feedback, which boosts customer trust.


Reviews are good for your reputation for several important reasons:

  • Social proof: Customer reviews serve as social proof by showcasing that other people have had a positive experience with your product or service. This factor creates a positive influence on potential new customers by demonstrating that others have already been satisfied with their purchase.

  • Market dominance: Positive reviews set you apart from your competitors. If your products or services are highly recommended by your customers, this can help you stand out in a competitive market.

  • Visibility and reputation: Positive customer reviews grant your company extra visibility. When satisfied, customers share their experiences on online review platforms, this can attract the attention of potential new customers and enhance your reputation. A positive reputation can also encourage customers to recommend your company to their friends and network, which can generate positive word-of-mouth.

  • The influence of customer reviews on French customers: Customer reviews have a significant influence on purchase decision-making for the French clientele. 87% of French people consult customer reviews before making a purchase (IFOP).

  • Unwavering customer loyalty: Involving your customers in the review process and requesting their feedback can help strengthen their commitment and loyalty to your company. Customers feel valued when they are invited to share their opinions and experiences. By responding to reviews, whether positive or negative, you show that you value your customers' feedback and care about their satisfaction. Careful review management can help build trust and loyalty among your customers because they know that their opinions are important to you.


Writing a helpful and informative customer review can assist other customers in making informed decisions. Here's a guide to crafting an effective customer review:

  •  Choose a relevant title: Start with a concise title that summarizes your overall experience. For example, "Excellent Product Quality" or "Disappointing Customer Service."

  • Describe your overall experience: Begin by briefly explaining why you chose this product or service.

  • Detail the positive aspects: List the points you appreciated. This may include product quality, user-friendliness, performance, etc. Be specific in your descriptions.

  • Mention areas for improvement: If you encounter issues or weaknesses, address them constructively. Avoid being excessively negative but remain honest.

  • Provide context: If possible, share details about the situation in which you used the product or service. This can help others understand when it performs well.

  • Potential comparisons: If you've used similar products, provide objective comparisons to help readers understand the pros and cons.

  • Be specific: Use concrete examples to support your points. This will make your review more credible and useful.

  • Avoid generalizations: Steer clear of vague statements like "very good product" without providing additional details. Explain why you consider it a good product

  • Clear and concise language: Use straightforward language and avoid overly technical terms unless they're relevant to the intended audience.

  • Stay honest: Be transparent about your motivations and real experiences. Readers appreciate sincere reviews.

  • End with a conclusion: Briefly summarize your overall impressions. You might indicate whether you recommend the product or service.

  • Rate the product or service: If the website or platform allows, provide a numerical rating or evaluation to summarize your overall experience.

  • Avoid personal information: Refrain from sharing personal information in your review unless it's relevant to the experience (such as details about your specific usage).

  • Proofread and edit: Before posting, make sure to proofread your review to avoid spelling and grammar errors.


Customer reviews can be found on a variety of platforms, including:

  • Company websites: Often, businesses have a "Customer Reviews" section on their website where you can read customer testimonials.

  • Specialized review platforms: There are many specialized review platforms, such as Custplace.

  • Google Reviews: Google offers a feature where users can leave reviews and ratings for businesses and locations.

  • Business directories: Like Yellow Pages, etc.

  • Social media: Social media can be a source of customer reviews. Many businesses have dedicated pages or accounts where customers can share their experiences.

  • Online forums: Forums specialized in certain industries or products may contain discussions and user reviews from experienced users…