Social Media & Partnerships Social Media & Partnerships

Benefit from maximum visibility thanks to our partnerships

Benefit from our exclusive partnerships with the leading websites in your industry. Optimize the visibility of your reviews and take advantage of major media influence.

Social Media & Partnerships

Your place among the web & media giants

As a privileged partner of Google Business Profile, Yellow Pages, TripAdvisor, solutions such as Prestashop and Salesforce, and media outlets such as L’Étudiant, Custplace is committed to offering you flawless visibility. The reviews you collect are widely visible to your different targets. This strategic collaboration allows you to reach a diversified audience, whether it is potential customers searching on Google, prospects consulting Yellow Pages, travelers exploring TripAdvisor, customers interacting with your Prestashop online store or readers of media such as L’Étudiant. Your customer reviews are therefore highlighted to the most relevant audiences, thus strengthening the credibility of your brand.

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Your place among the web & media giants

Use the power of social media

Our advanced features give you the ability to easily share authentic customer reviews son major social media platforms. You can select the relevant reviews and customize their format for optimal distribution on networks such as Facebook, Instagram, X (formerly known as Twitter), or LinkedIn. This feature allows you to transform your customer feedback into ready-to-share social media posts, strengthening your online presence and amplifying the voice of your satisfied customers. By using our integrations to share on popular social networks, you maximize the visibility of your reviews and strengthen the impact of your customer feedback.

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Use the power of social media

Reviews made easy with Custplace


Webinar : Combien rapporte un avis client ? Les chiffres dévoilés par secteur

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Morning E-réputation : Petit-déjeuner exclusif : Les clés du parcours clients en 2025

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